Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. She possesses over 9, lines of unique dialogue, over A tremendous amount of work has been put into making Vilja a dynamic character. Step 1: Searching for NPCs, can be town NPC or character with race as the names: Dealer, Hroki, Wood Elf, High Elf, etc. I had one mod that added a dialogue option to all NPCs that would let me ask. Been ages and I forget where I got half my old skyrim mods. You can turn adult content on in your preference, if you wish. The Skyrim Special Edition True Vision ENB mod allows PS4 and Xbox players This video shows how to literally make anyone a follower in Skyrim (PC only). is there a mod like this that doesn't require you to use console commands to make …. I downloaded make anyone a follower mod but it didn't work at all. What Does This Mod Do?- Allows you to make literally almost anyone you meet, (essential. This Mod is now available for Skyrim Special Edition.