It feels weird saying this about a half-naked female doll, but the shading on the flesh to give it different tones and accents is done extremely well. The only shame was that I myself had to get half naked to obtain said half naked girl. When I first came home with this my mother actually exclaimed, “you went to Anime Expo to buy a half-naked girl?” I mean, she wasn’t wrong, but hey no shame. Showing her off first without her jacket on. The Good Smile statues are in a whole different world of their own, but the Real Action Heroes are basically dolls.

I’m pretty sure this is just about the highest quality articulated Black Rock Shooter figure out there. What’s more, I’ve seen the same folks at Anime Expos these past few years again, and apparently they still have my shirt. I figured what the hell, it was worth it. During my attempts to barter for a lower price on this figure, the excellent folks behind the stand said they’d lower it if I gave them the shirt off my back. I got this one at Anime Expo 2012, and actually had to pay a hefty price for her…in the form of my dignity. It’s about time I got around to this one…my first Real Action Heroes figure, as well as my first bit of experience with the 1/6 scale line, Huke’s infamous Black Rock Shooter.